Accommodation Process

This section contains important information for students who are seeking classroom and/or housing accommodations for services with the Learning Access Program. 



The Learning Access Program provides support services, accommodations and adaptive technology to registered 新澳门六合彩投注 students.  Students who seek services from the Learning Access Program must self-disclose their disability to the Learning Access Program and provide documentation that identifies the student's diagnosed disability, functional limitations, and suggested accommodations. Disability documentation will be reviewed on a case by case basis during a personal intake interview with one of our coordinators. Accommodations are designed to provide equal access for academic success while maintaining the academic standards of the program.

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Scheduling an Appointment

Incoming students that would like to schedule an appointment with one of our Coordinators, should review the Register with the Learning Access Program section. 

Students that are already enrolled in courses at 新澳门六合彩投注 may through our Accommodate Portal. If you are using the online appointment module, you will sign in using your 新澳门六合彩投注 goPortal credentials. Select Appointment from the navigation section, Request New Appointment and go through the prompts to request an in-person or virtual appointment. 

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Register with the Learning Access Program

Below are the steps that a student should follow when requesting academic accommodations.

    1. Students who would like to register with the Learning Access Program will need to schedule an intake appointment with a Coordinator to discuss accommodation requests. The office hours are Monday - Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm, and appointments can be done in-person or virtually.  
      1. Incoming first-time and/or transfer students that are requesting classroom accommodation should call 609.652.4988 to schedule their intake appointment. It is recommended that your intake appointment is scheduled after attending Orientation or one month prior to the start of the semester, whichever is first.
      2. Students that have already registered with the Learning Access Program and need to renew accommodations, should follow the instructions for renewing accommodations.   
    2. Prior to their appointment, students will be emailed a link to an online intake form to complete in preparation for their intake interview. Students will have the opportunity to attach copies of their disability documentation to the intake form.  Documentation can include: Educational Evaluation, Psychological Evaluation, IEP or 504 plan and/or documentation of past evaluations. If the student did not have an IEP or 504 plan in high school, a learning, medical or mental health provider can complete the  Documentation of Diagnosed Disability Form, which can also serve as documentation of the student鈥檚 disability. 
    3. During the intake meeting, students will discuss their needs with a coordinator to determine reasonable accommodations.
    4. At the conclusion of the intake appointment, the student will be directed to sign the accommodation letter electronically and email the letter to each of their faculty members. LAP does NOT email the letter to faculty members.  This is the student鈥檚 responsibility.

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Accommodation Letters

Below is the process that students should follow when discussing accommodations with faculty.

  • Present the letter of accommodation as soon as possible in an email with any information you would like to share with your faculty. Students do not have to disclose their specific disability.
    • Students should take the time to introduce themselves to the faculty member via email and attach the letter.

Sample Accommodation Letter

  • Accommodation letters are dated. Therefore, accommodations are not retroactive. If a student delays in presenting a letter to their faculty, the faculty member is under no obligation to grant accommodations retroactively.
  • While accommodation(s) requests are discussed at the beginning of the semester, students who require exam proctoring accommodations should also remind faculty of the accommodation prior to an
     exam or test. This courtesy will help ensure that your accommodation request is met.
  • Above all, it is the student's responsibility to make accommodation arrangements. Untimely requests or failure to follow established procedures could result in accommodation requests being unable to be met.

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Housing Accommodation Guidelines

Students with disabilities that require a specific type of housing assignment may request housing accommodations. Students must follow the general principles for such request as outlined in the Accommodation Request Guidelines. This process includes already being registered with the Learning Access Program and having your physician, psychiatrist, social worker or mental health provider complete a Housing Accommodation Request form.  In addition, students must submit the required documentation prior to the deadline to be eligible for review with the Housing Review Committee.  The committee meets on a bimonthly basis to review requests and  if applicable determine arrangements that meet your needs. Not all submissions are guaranteed and additional information may be requested.  

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Renewing Accommodations

Students that have received services from the Learning Access Program in a previous semester will need to renew their request for subsequent terms. In order to renew accommodations electronically, students should complete the steps below. If a student has updated documentation or needs additional accommodations, they should schedule an appointment with their coordinator. The Learning Access Program recommends that students schedule an appointment with their Coordinator at least once each academic year. 

  1. Sign into your goPortal account and click on the Student Life tab.
  2. From the Student Life tab, go to the Wellness Center Channel and click on the Accommodate Portal link, which will bring you to the Accommodate Portal homepage.
  3. On the Accommodate Portal homepage click Accommodation.
  4. On the Accommodation tab, you can review accommodations by clicking Semester Request.  This will show you what accommodation had previously been requested, and you will renew those that you wish to have applied to the new semester. You cannot request new accommodations through this tab. If you need additional accommodations, please contact the office to schedule an appointment.
  5. On the Semester Request tab, you will click Request Accommodations to open up the Accessibility Accommodation Request page. You do not have to enter a start/end date or the semester.  This feature is used if you want to review requests from previous semesters.
  6. On the Accessibility Accommodation Request screen choose the semester you would like to renew accommodations.
  7. Once you have chosen the semester, your course schedule will appear on the right hand side. Click Submit For All Accommodations. If you do not need an accommodation you previously had, you may manually remove it by clicking Review the Renewal which allows you to manually choose your renewal accommodations. Once you submit you will see the pending request, which will have a red x in the column. 
  8. Once your letter is processed, you will receive an email with instructions on how to sign your letter electronically.
  9. Once signed, letters of accommodation will be available in your Accommodate Portal. To provide your faculty with your letter of accommodation, you will need to download a copy of the letter in the Accommodate Portal and email it to your faculty.  LAP does NOT email the letter to your faculty members. This is the student鈥檚 responsibility. 

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