Constitution of Unidos


UNIDOS Faculty and Staff Council is an employee affinity group that helps bring together La 
Comunidad Hispana at аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²ÊͶע. Its elected officers will lead efforts to expand on the 
historical knowledge, cultural awareness, contributions, and presence of nuestra diversa 
comunidad hispánica at our campuses and the communities they serve. In addition to the 
institution’s educational goals and objectives, UNIDOS will advocate, mentor, advise, engage, and 
promote the ideals of inclusion. UNIDOS will foster a greater sense of belonging, one that shares 
multiple commonalities in the workplace. As an affinity group, UNIDOS will collaborate with 
other institutional organizations that partake in promoting a strong sense of purpose, one that 
enhances the growing, rich social tapestry not only statewide but regionally and nationally as well. 
UNIDOS aspires to cultivate professional relationships, linking аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²ÊͶע to worthy 
local, regional, national, and global outreach initiatives. The core mission is to encourage, sustain, 
and benefit from a caring, broad range of interests connected to varied cultural identities and 
backgrounds. These efforts lead to a higher sense of positive well-being, inclusion, and success in 
the workplace.

La Comunidad Hispana is a term that recognizes the national and ethnic diversity of peoples with 
origins from varied Spanish speaking global communities.

UNIDOS Mission Statement:

  1. To share an appreciation for Hispanic heritage, cultures, and traditions.
  2. To serve as a representative voice for all who identify as Spanish, Hispanic, Latin American, Latino/Latina, LatinX, Afro-Caribbean, among others who share close multi cross national/cultural ties.
  3. To advocate for students, staff, and faculty.
  4. To expand leadership roles that enable, encourage, and support growth and advancement in the workplace. 

Article I

Section A: Name

UNIDOS Faculty and Staff Council is the official name of an employee affinity group.

Article II

Section A: General Membership

Any employee of аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²ÊͶע is eligible for membership in the UNIDOS Faculty and Staff Council. All paid active members of the group have voting privileges.

Los Latinos Unidos (LLU) Student Representative - is a non-voting and advisory member. The student representative has a voice and can collaborate on short and long-term goals and projects.

Alumni representative - is a non-voting and advisory member. The Alumni representative has a voice and can recommend viable goals and initiatives.

UNIDOS Affiliate Member - is a non-voting and advisory member. Affiliate members are individuals who would like to receive invitations to UNIDOS Faculty and Staff programs that align with the mission and goals of the affinity group.

Sponsors – are any internal affiliate individuals and interested organizations that support аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²ÊͶע’s UNIDOS programs and activities.

Section B: Voting Members

Only members who are up to date on membership dues and who attend 4 quarterly meetings per year (plus a summer meeting as needed) can exercise voting privileges. Active members are encouraged to serve on at least one committee or project assignment.

Section C: Dues

Annual membership dues shall be paid by September 1st.

Individual - $15.00
Three-year Membership - $45.00
Donations of any amount are always welcome.

Article III
Executive Board

Section A: Executive Board

The governing body of the UNIDOS Faculty and Staff Council shall be known as the Executive Board.

The Executive Board shall consist of five Executive Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Public Relations.

Section B: Officer Eligibility

At the time of appointment, an officer must have been a voting member for at least one prior semester. Other requirements: Attend 90-100% of all quarterly meetings.

Section C: Elected Officers/2-Year Terms

  1. The President shall:
    1. Oversee UNIDOS goals and efficiencies.
    2. Preside over every meeting.
    3. Serve as an ex-officio member.
  2. The Vice President shall:
    1. Assist in completing goals and projects.
    2. Recommend agenda items.
    3. Preside in the absence of the president.
  3. The Secretary shall:
    1. Keep a roster of all voting members.
    2. Coordinate information to and from the Executive Board.
    3. Keep a record of the meeting minutes and keep the membership informed.
    4. Issue notices of quarterly meetings and review general correspondence.
  4. The Treasurer shall:
    1. Oversee budgetary expenditures, funding requests and fund-raising activities.
    2. Keep an itemized account of all receipts.
  5. Public Relations Officer shall:
    1. Manage/disseminate promotional needs.
      1. Serve on the Marketing/social media/Website committee.

Article IV

Section A: Committees

The committees of the UNIDOS Faculty and Staff Council shall be:

  1. Biannual Newsletter
  2. Programing Topical Lectures/Discussions
  3. Mentoring and Networking
  4. Website and Socia Media

Section B: Committees

Committee membership is by self-appointment. Members can elect a committee chair annually. The Executive Board Officers can guide, assist, and work alongside special committees.

Article V
Special Elections

If any member of the Executive Board is unable to fulfill their commitment, then that leadership position shall be filled temporarily by a majority vote of the membership during the next scheduled quarterly meeting.

Article VI
Departing Officers

If officers cannot fulfill leadership roles, they should notify the general members at a regularly scheduled quarterly meeting.

Article VII
Quarterly Meetings

Section A: Types of Meetings

  1. Quarterly Meetings – shall be held during the academic calendar year. If needed, a summer meeting can also be scheduled.
  2. Special Meetings – these are unscheduled, follow-up meetings called by the Executive Board to further discuss and promote community engagement.

Section B: Quorum

 A quorum shall consist of 50% plus one of the voting memberships.

Article VIII

Nominations shall be presented at a well-publicized quarterly meeting. Elections shall be held online one week after the closing of nominations. The candidate with the majority vote shall be declared the winner. Each year, elections will be held before May 15th. Leadership positions take effect on September 1st.

Article IX

Any members of the UNIDOS Faculty and Staff Council may sponsor an amendment to this constitution. Amendments must pass by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present at a quarterly meeting. If approved, a fully amended copy must be placed on file in the meeting’s minutes by the Secretary.

Article X

All UNIDOS Faculty and Staff financial decisions, minutes and voting records are subject to further review and discussion at the request of the membership.