Chapter Conduct Status

Potential Conduct Sanctions

  • Educational Sanctions 鈥 These sanctions will be attached to an organization鈥檚 Probation.  Educational sanctions should promote learning and understanding and provide opportunities to repair harm to the greater community.
  • Social Probation - Organization may not host events with alcohol during this time period.
  • Deferred Suspension - Organization may continue to  regularly function, but failure to follow policies or regulations during this time will result in potential suspension and/or additional sanctions.
  • Suspension 鈥 Suspension signals a temporary cessation of all organization activities.  Suspension terms will be established based on the nature and severity of the offense (including past discipline history).
  • Withdrawal of University Recognition 鈥 University recognition is withdrawn for a fixed period of time, during which the organization may no longer operate on campus.  At the end of the fixed period, the organization may re-apply for university recognition.  Failure to comply with this status will jeopardize the organization鈥檚 ability to re-apply for university registration.


Chapter Date









Sigma Alpha Epsilon  




Chapter members received multiple violations at residence (some during and some after registered events) for noise.

Chapter took responisibility

Off Campus Behaviors: Off-Campus actions and/or behaviors that violate laws and regulations of federal, state, local agencies, or that violate the policies of the University

Chapter on social suspension until March 18, 2024.

The Chapter officers must complete a decision-making workshop.

The Chapter will 
complete a risk management education program.

The Chapter will be placed on Social Probation until September 1st 2024 from the location in which the offense occurred.

Delta Phi Epsilon


Delta Phi Epsilon was a cosponsor of the Alpha Chi Rho Event that received the noise violation.

Chapter took responisibility

Off Campus Behaviors: Off-Campus actions and/or behaviors that violate laws and regulations of federal, state, local agencies, or that violate the policies of the University

Chapter on social probation until September 1, 2023 for events with Alpha Chi Rho.


Alpha Chi Rho



Chapter members received multiple violations during events for noise (1/23/2024) and having a fire without a permit (1/27/2024).

Chapter took responisibility

Off Campus Behaviors: Off-Campus actions and/or behaviors that violate laws and regulations of federal, state, local agencies, or that violate the policies of the University

The Chapter will be placed on Social Probation until September 1st 2024 with exception to registered third-party venues.

The Chapter officers must complete a decision-making workshop.

The Chapter will 
complete a risk management education program.

Sigma Pi





Township police reported multiple issues and citations to members of chapter related to chapter parties.

Chapter took responisibility for some events that were connected Chapter evetns  but some were not.

Chapter found responsible for the following violations of the Code of Conduct:

e) Off Campus Behaviors: Off-Campus actions and/or behaviors that violate laws and regulations of federal, state, local agencies, or that violate the policies of the University. Please note that the use of social media off campus or concerning the University is governed by the same laws, policies, rules of conduct, and etiquette that apply to all other activities at or concerning the University. Even activities of a private nature conducted away from the University can subject you to disciplinary action if such activities reflect poorly on the University or interfere with the conduct of University business.


Specifically referring to city ordinance violations 鈥淯nlawful Acts 202-6P鈥 received by the residents of 1131 White horse Pike.

Chapter on social probation until September 1, 2023.

Chapter Officers will need to complete Educational training by May 15, 2023.

Alpha Chi Rho


Two underage students charged with DUIs allegedly related to drinking at Alpha Chi Rho fraternity party.

A third underage student needed medical attention after drinking at Alpha Chi Rho fraternity party.

Chapter found responsible for the following violations of the Code of Conduct:

Respect: University members show positive regard for each other and for the community. Behaviors that violate this value include but are not limited to:

Harm: Action that intentionally or recklessly causes or threatens bodily harm, presents imminent danger, or endangers the health or safety of any person

Responsibility: University community members assume personal responsibility for civil conduct to themselves, to others, and to the community. Behaviors that violate this value include but are not limited to:

Alcohol: Possession, consumption, distribution, or attempted distribution of alcoholic beverages in contravention of federal, state, or local laws regulations, or

University policies and procedures or knowingly being present at the time of prohibited conduct

Other Policies: Violations of established policies, procedures, or regulations officially promulgated by the University and/or the State of New Jersey

Off Campus Behaviors: Off-Campus actions and/or behaviors that violate laws and regulations of federal, state, local agencies, or that violate the policies of the University

Chapter suspended until February 22, 2023.

Chapter probation until January 1, 2024.

Chapter on social probation until September 15, 2023.

Chapter Officers will need to complete three Enrichment Opportunities offered and coordinated through the Office of Student Conduct by May 1, 2023.

Chapter Officers will need to complete Alcohol101 training by May 1, 2023.

Lambda Theta Alpha


Three students were holding an unregistered empanada sale. Another student alleged them to be joining Lambda Theta Alpha. A social media post by an alumnae of the chapter advertised the sale. When the chapter was questioned about the women and the sale, they first denied any connection. The next day the chapter president admitted they were three women who wished to join Lambda Theta Alpha and were raising money for their fees. An investigation concluded other activities that potentially violate University policy related to new member activities.

Lambda Theta Alpha National Judicial Committee found chapter responsible for standing rules and policies related to chapter conduct, risk management, and recruitment

Chapter suspended until November 16, 2022.

Chapter sanctioned by national organization.

Sigma Pi


The University received a video of members of Sigma Pi hosting an event with alcohol that involved a keg. The event allegedly occurred during the pandemic, whereas a campus directive disallowed any gatherings of this kind.

Chapter found responsible for the following violations of the Code of Conduct:

Responsibility: University community members assume personal responsibility for civil conduct to themselves, to others, and to the community. Behaviors that violate this value include but are not limited to:

Failure to comply: Refusal to comply with a request, directive, or order from a University official such as campus police officers, members of the University administrative staff, or other authorized persons performing their official University duties and responsibilities

Off Campus Behavior: Off-campus actions and/or behaviors that violate laws and regulations of federal, state, local agencies, or that violate the policies of the University

Chapter on deferred suspension until September 20, 2021.

Chapter members must complete decision-making workshop by August 1, 2021.

Chapter must complete a risk management workship with FSA by September 30, 2021.

Phi Delta Theta


University recieved evidence of fraternity hosting a social gathering with alcohol. The event allegedly occurred during the pandemic, whereas a campus directive disallowed any gatherings of this kind.

Chapter found responsible for the following violations of the Code of Conduct:

Responsibility: University community members assume personal responsibility for civil conduct to themselves, to others, and to the community. Behaviors that violate this value include but are not limited to:

Failure to comply: Refusal to comply with a request, directive, or order from a University official such as campus police officers, members of the University administrative staff, or other authorized persons performing their official University duties and responsibilities

Off Campus Behavior: Off-campus actions and/or behaviors that violate laws and regulations of federal, state, local agencies, or that violate the policies of the University

Chapter on deferred suspension until September 15, 2021.

Mu Sigma Upsilon


Chapter hosted new member intake without University approval.

Chapter found responsible for the following violations of the Code of Conduct:

Fraternity and Sorority Life Handbook: New Member Intake, failure to complete Request for Intake

Chapter on deferred suspension until January 1, 2021.

Alpha Chi Rho


University recieved evidence of fraternity having kegs at social event.

Chapter found responsible for the following violations of the Code of Conduct:

Fraternity and Sorority Life Handbook: Social Events, Social Event Regulations: Common Sources of Alcohol

Chapter on social probation until May 11, 2019.

Sigma Pi


University recieved evidence of fraternity having hard alcohol at social event.

Chapter found responsible for the following violations of the Code of Conduct:

Fraternity and Sorority Life Handbook: Social Events, Social Event Regulations: BYOB Precedures, Hard Alcohol

Chapter on social probation until May 11, 2019.

Alpha Phi Delta


University recieved evidence of unregistered social event with alcohol and underage alcohol consumption.

Chapter found responsible for the following violations of the Code of Conduct:

Responsibility: University community members assume personal responsibility for civil conduct to themselves, to others, and to the community. Behaviors that violate this value include but are not limited to:

Off Campus Behavior: Off-campus actions and/or behaviors that violate laws and regulations of federal, state, local agencies, or that violate the policies of the University

Fraternity and Sorority Life Handbook: Social Events, Social Event Regulations, Registration.

Chapter on social probation until May 11, 2019.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon


Fraternity informed University of medical emergency related to new member alcohol consumption.

Chapter found responsible for the following violations of the Code of Conduct:

Respect: University members show positive regard for each other and for the community. Behaviors that violate this value include but are not limited to:

Harm: Action that intentionally or recklessly causes or threatens bodily harm, presents imminent danger, or endangers the health or safety of a person.

Hazing: Endangering mental or physical health or safety of a student, or destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization.

Responsibility: University community members assume personal responsibility for civil conduct to themselves, to others, and to the community. Behaviors that violate this value include but are not limited to:

Alcohol: Possession, consumption, distribution, or attempted distribution of alcoholic beverages in contravention of federal, state, or local laws regulations, or University policies and procedures or knowingly being present at the time of prohibited conduct

Other Policies: Violations of established policies, procedures, or regulations officially promulgated by the University and/or the State of New Jersey

Off Campus Behaviors: Off-Campus actions and/or behaviors that violate laws and regulations of federal, state, local agencies, or that violate the policies of the University

Chapter suspended until September 1, 2020.

Chapter on deferred suspension until May 7, 2021.

Chapter on social probation until May 7, 2021.

Chapter required to do 40 hours of community service per member by May 7, 2021.

Chapter required to complete hazing prevention program by December 1, 2020.

Chapter required to complete alcohol awareness training by December 1, 2020.

Chapter required to complete bystander intervention traning by December 1, 2020.

20% of chapter required to complete TIPS training by December 1, 2020.



Date Allegation

