Library Learning Commons Planning

entrance to the library

Design Development and Temporary Facility Logistics Plan

* Current as of 7/16/2024

  • Scope: Interior renovation of Richard E. Bjork Library
  • Size: +/- 100,000 SF, 3-stories
  • Location: Academic Spine, E -Wing
  • Programs: Library Services, Academic Services, Student Services, Learning Commons & Graphics

Services Relocation Maps During Construction

The Library is getting a makeover!

Swing Space Activation Status

End User

Swing Space Location

Move Status

Move Week

ARHU Media Productions

Alton (Sound Studio)


July 8 - 12

G103 (Mac Lab)


July 8 - 12

AS207 (Audio Production)


July 22 - 26

CC206 (Office & Tech Lending)


Aug 12 - 16



F003 (Bookstore)


June 3 - 7

F008 (Office)


June 3 - 7


F001 Conference Room (Production Space)


July 29 - Aug 2

Staff (Remote)



Holocaust Resource Center



L103 (Gallery)


July 1 - 5

L104 (Office)


July 1 - 5

L112 (Classroom)


July 1 - 5

Constantelos Reading Room

L114 (Office / Conference)


July 1 - 5

Learning Access Program

H113 (Study Room)


May 20 - 24

Library Services

Pomona House (Tech Services & Admin Offices)


June 24 - 28

H114 (Public Services, Librarian Offices, Research Consultation)


May 20 - 24

C/D Atrium (Library Learning Commons, Book Checkout, Information Desk, Interlibrary Loon Pickup)


Aug 5 - 9

C001 (Library General Collection, Staff Only)


May 20 - 31

C002 (Special Collections, Staff Only)


May 20 -31

C012 (Special Collections Offices)


June 10 - 14

Production Services



Nov 18-27


The аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²ÊͶע Facilities Master Plan 2020, approved by the Board of Trustees in September 2020, includes Space Management Committee input on developments of the utilization and improvements to existing space on the Galloway Campus. The Facilities Master Plan 2020 includes summary projections, concepts and intent to address existing facilities such as the existing Library is located in the E-wing of the Academic Spine of the Galloway Campus. Originally constructed in the early 1970’s.

New Jersey State Bond Solicitation 2022, for capital projects and equipment. Improve and Expand Educational Opportunities, Academic Research Excellence, Workforce Readiness, Increase capacity, Enhance State’s academic and economic competitiveness – highly skilled workforce, Consistency with mission, Promote energy efficiency, Promote innovation, STEM Programs, Consistency with long range facility plan, Address deferred maintenance concern, Construction ready / shovel ready. 

Library Learning Commons: $19,526,807.00 

  • Renovations to the Richard E. Bjork Library into State-of-the-Art Learning Commons
  • New Facilities for Group & Private Study
  • Advising, Tutoring and Testing
  • Career Development & Discovery
  • Learning & Teaching Development Center

Budgetary Estimate




Project Construction Costs


Roof Replacement

$ 1,300,000.00

HVAC Replacement & Upgrades

$ 4,000,000.00

Interior Renovations

$ 8,000,000.00

Site Improvements

$ 500,000.00


$ 13,800,000.00


Project Soft Costs


Schematic Design

$ 190,610.00

Design Development

$ 338,956.00

Construction Documents

$ 474,790.00

Bidding / Construction Administration

$ 250,610.00


$ 1,254,966.00


Other Costs


Furniture & Fixtures

$ 1,400,000.00


$ 1,803,110.00

Temporary Storage & Relocation

$ 440,000.00

Production Equipment Replacement Allowance

$ 100,000.00

Swing Space Renovation

$ 50,000.00


$ 3,793,110.00



$ 18,848,076.00

Construction Contingency

$ 553,731.00

Regulatory Approvals

$ 125,000.00

Construction Allowance



$ 19,526,807.00

Steering Committee

First Last Title Department / Division
Thomas Kinsella Professor Arts & Humanities
Peter  Baratta Chief Officer Strategic Planning and Effectiveness
Christopher  Catching Vice President Student Affairs
Cyndi Gove Director  Facilities & Operations
Don  Hudson  Senior Vice President Facilities & Operations
Scott Huston Chief Information Officer Information Technology Services 
Claudine  Keenan Vice Provost Provost's Office
Rhianon  Lepree  Director Facilities & Operations
Marcie  Pallante  Executive Assistant Facilities & Operations
Dan  Sernotti Project Manager, Architect Facilities & Operations
Gus  Stamatopoulos Director  Library & Learning Commons Operations 
Pat  Thatcher Associate Provost Library
Natalie  Wadley  Coordinator  Library Systems 
Skip  West Executive Director  Facilities & Operations

Logistics Committee

First Last Title Department / Division
Peter  Baratta Chief Officer Strategic Planning and Effectiveness
Christopher  Catching Vice President Student Affairs
Cyndi Gove Director  Facilities & Operations
Don  Hudson  Senior Vice President Facilities & Operations
Scott Huston Chief Information Officer Information Technology Services 
Claudine  Keenan Vice Provost Provost's Office
Rhianon  Lepree  Director Facilities & Operations
Alex Marino Director Academic Operations, Atlantic City
Ian  Marshall Dean Arts & Humanities
Marcie  Pallante  Executive Assistant Facilities & Operations
Tom  Papademetriou  Professor  Arts & Humanities
Heather  Perez  Special Collections Librarian Library
Dan  Sernotti Project Manager, Architect Facilities & Operations
Gus  Stamatopoulos Director  Library & Learning Commons Operations 
Pat  Thatcher Associate Provost Library
Natalie  Wadley  Coordinator  Library Systems 
Skip  West Executive Director  Facilities & Operations

Design Development

First Last Title Department / Division
Thomas Kinsella Professor Arts & Humanities
Sofia  Abreu Director Career Education & Development
Amy  Ackerman Associate Professor Instructional Technology
Peter  Baratta Chief Officer Strategic Planning & Effectiveness
Christopher  Catching Vice President Student Affairs
Jessica  Chamberlain Access & Engagement Coordinator Library
Vincent  Cicirello Professor School of Business
Ana  Edmondson Assistant Vice President New Student & Family Programs
Amanda  Farina Assistant Registrar Student Records & Registration
Cyndi Gove Director  Facilities & Operations
Laurie  Griscom Executive Director  Event Services & Campus Center Operations
Geoffrey  Gust Associate Professor General Studies
Sara Hanlon  Student  -
Kate  Hazelton Space Management Specialist  Facilities & Operations
Don  Hudson  Senior Vice President Facilities & Operations
Scott Huston Chief Information Officer Information Technology Services 
Karin  Kallert Assistant Supervisor School of Education
Claudine  Keenan Vice Provost Provost's Office
Jung  Lee Professor  Instructional Technology 
Rhianon  Lepree  Director Facilities & Operations
Dan  Lichtman Assistant Professor  Digital Studies 
Joe  Loefflad Director IT Infrastructure & Communications
Mariam  Majd Assistant Professor Social & Behavioral Sciences
Alex Marino Director Academic Operations, Atlantic City
Irvin  Moreno-Rodriguez Assistant Director  Holocaust Resource Center 
Darnley  Morris Specialist  Facilities & Operations
Luke °¿â€»ú´Ç²Ô²Ô´Ç°ù&²Ô²ú²õ±è; Student  -
Kate  Ogden Professor Arts & Humanities
Bob Olsen Professor Chemistry
Saadia Oulamine Academic Support  Behavioral Sciences
Marcie  Pallante  Executive Assistant Facilities & Operations
Heather  Perez  Special Collections Librarian Library
Marc Richard Professor Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Dan  Sernotti Project Manager, Architect Facilities & Operations
Gus  Stamatopoulos Director  Library & Learning Commons Operations 
Pat  Thatcher Associate Provost Library
Anthony Thomas  Director Learning Access Program
Judy  Vogel  Professor Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Natalie  Wadley  Coordinator  Library Systems 
Skip  West Executive Director  Facilities & Operations
Melissa   Zwick Associate Professor Natural Sciences & Mathematics

Proposed/Tentative Schedule & Milestones 

  • Fall 2023
    • Establish committee, meetings, analysis, study, concepts (Steering, Logistics, Design)
    • Classroom equipment concepts & procurement (concept and design)
    • Architectural Firm Introduction (DI Group & Yezzi Architects) – October 30, 2023 
  • Winter/Spring 2024
    • Advance concepts & schematics
    • Design development
    • Existing Library Logistics planning complete
    • Commence relocation of existing Library and associated offices– May 15, 2024 
  • Summer 2024
    • Relocation of Library programs and offices throughout the summer 2024
    • Classroom equipment Installations – coordinate with registrar’s office
    • Classroom renovations (need Capital Budget) - coordinate with registrar’s office
    • Design development & construction documents complete 
  • Summer/Fall 2024
    • Existing Library & associated program and offices logistics complete.  Fully operational by Labor Day 2024
    • Bidding & negotiations, contractor, pre-construction administration 
    • Commence with construction in January 2025
    • Construction complete – June 2026
    • Mobilize return of equipment, materials, and staff Summer 2026
    • Ready for use by Student & faculty Labor Day 2026
project schedule

The existing Library is located in the E-wing of the Academic Spine of the Galloway Campus.

  • Originally constructed in the early 1970’s
  • 100,000 sf, three story facility
Map of Academic Spine
Aerial view of Academic Spine
Aerial view of the Academic Spine
existing floor plans

The existing Library consists of +/-100,000 square feet of space spread across 3-stories. Click on the image(s) below to view the existing plans for each level of the Library and the respective current users.

current space utilization of 000 level
Current space utilization of 100 level
current space utilization of 100 level

All three floors of the existing Library need to be vacated for approximately 2-years to allow for the upcoming construction. Click on the Image(s) below to view the logistics plan that details the extensive relocation efforts for each of the various end users to their proposed swing spaces. The current plan is to commence relocations efforts after commencement in May 2024 and have all the end users properly functioning out of their respective swing spaces by Labor Day of 2024.

Logistics Plan May 2024

Logistics Plan Cover

Library Learning Commons Logistics Plan


Programming is a part of the pre-design phase of a construction project. It is the research and decision making process that identifies the building users, programs, circulation, adjacency requirements, etc. The list below starts to identify these requirements which will evolve during the design process and be used to start developing future layouts. Click on the image(s) below to view the diagrams that show the programs identified for this project and their relationship to each other.

programming concepts diagram

Concept Programs for Schematic Development Planning

Library Services

  • Library Archives & Special Collections
  • Library Resource, active inventory (reduced)
  • Library Administrative Offices
  • Student Learning Commons

Learning Commons /Academic Services

  • Tutoring & Supplemental Instruction
  • Advising & Testing Center
  • Student Success & Discovery Space
  • Center for Teaching & Learning Development
  • Student Multi-Media Center & Classrooms
  • Graduate Research & Resource Center
  • Innovation & Makers Space

Learning Commons / Student Services

  • Career Development & Discovery
  • Private Study
  • Group Study
  • Innovation Technology Resource Center
  • Bookstore Annex (bookstore depot)

Other Support Programs

  • Graphics
  • ITS & Production Services
Lower Lever Program Concept
Lower Lever Program Concept
Main Level Program Concept
Main Level Program Concept
Upper Level Program Concept
Upper Level Program Concept

Schematic Design is the first phase of the architectural design process. These initial schematic layouts start to understand the project program, their relative size, location, and adjacencies to other programs. Click on the image(s) below to view the early layouts developed based on the initial programming diagrams. These layouts are subject to change as the design moves from schematic design into design development.

layout concept 000 level
000 Level
layout concept of 100 level
100 Level
layout concept of 200 level
200 Level

Design Development is the second phase of the architectural design process. This process takes one of the many concepts developed during the schematic design phase and focuses on one concept and starts to develop in more detail each of the program areas and how those spaces function along with any specific program requirements and needs. Click on the image(s) below to view the latest floor plans as of January 2024 along with some initial 3D views of how the spaces start to interact with each other. These plans are subject to change throughout the design development process as we meet individually with the end users and refine their specific needs and spatial requirements.

Design Development is the second phase of the architectural design process. This process takes one of the many concepts developed during the schematic design phase and focuses on one concept and starts to develop in more detail each of the program areas and how those spaces function along with any specific program requirements and needs. Click on the image(s) below to view the latest floor plans as of February 2024 along with some initial 3D views of how the spaces start to interact with each other. These plans are subject to change throughout the design development process as we meet individually with the end users and refine their specific needs and spatial requirements.

Design Development is the second phase of the architectural design process. This process takes one of the many concepts developed during the schematic design phase and focuses on one concept and starts to develop in more detail each of the program areas and how those spaces function along with any specific program requirements and needs. Click on the image(s) below to view the latest floor plans as of May 2024 along with some initial 3D views of how the spaces start to interact with each other. These plans are subject to change throughout the design development process as we meet individually with the end users and refine their specific needs and spatial requirements.