Academic Difficulty

Below please find important links for you to help you understand your academic progress. The Center for Academic Advising is here to help you with all your questions and concerns. If you find yourself in academic difficulty, please contact us immediately. We can help you make a plan to "get on track."

When your term grade-point average is below 2.00, but the cumulative average is still at least a 2.00, you will receive notification of academic warning on your semester grade report. You are still considered to be a student in good standing. Once the term average goes back above 2.00, you are no longer on academic warning.

When your term and cumulative average both fall below 2.00, you are placed on academic probation. While on probation, you will be required to meet at least once each semester with the Center for Academic Advising, and on a regular basis with your preceptor.

You will continue to be on probation until the term and cumulative averages are at least 2.00. However, if the cumulative average is not at least 2.00 after completing 24 credits (following the first term you were placed on probation), you are subject to academic dismissal. Other circumstances can also lead to dismissal, as below.

After receiving notification that you have been placed on academic probation, you should call the Center for Academic Advising at 652-4504 and schedule an appointment. A hold will be placed on your registration until you meet with an advisor in our office.

Please fill out the questionnaire you receive through the mail, or open and print the questionnaire below. Bring the completed questionnaire with you to your advising appointment. Follow-up appointments may be required, based on the personal action plan that you and the advisor will complete.

The advisor who will handle the probation appointment will do a calculation for your you as to how your grade point is computed, what grades you need to make in the current semester, and how you might need to plan for future gradepoints at 新澳门六合彩投注. The advisor may also make recommendations as to what course of action to take with regard to time management, study skills, tutoring, counseling, or other issues. Click on the link if you wish to access an online .
Click on the link to access an online electronic personal action plan (requires Microsoft Excel)

If your cumulative average is below 2.00 in two consecutive semesters or any three cumulative semesters, you are subject to academic dismissal. Should this happen, you will not be allowed to take classes (not even as a non-matriculated student) for at least one calendar year. Your classes for the next semester will be dropped. Dismissed students may complete any summer classes they registered for before being dismissed, but may not register for 新澳门六合彩投注 summer classes after being dismissed.

If you wish to appeal your dismissal due to a procedural error in grade assignment or posting, or in calculation of your grade point average, an appeal of academic dismissal may be made to the Office of the Provost at


This appeal must: a) be in writing, b) be accompanied by substantive evidence to support the appeal (e.g., a letter from an instructor confirming the error; documentation of a serious, intervening medical issue), and c) be submitted no later than two weeks following the notice of academic dismissal. The appeal does not result in automatic reinstatement.

If you are dismissed, you may apply for readmission only after the passage of one calendar year. During that year, it is a good idea to take courses at another college, such as your local community college, to prove that you are ready to be a student again. The transferability of any such courses should be checked out with The Center for Academic Advising before you actually enroll.


To qualify for readmission, you must provide new evidence of interest and determination to continue at 新澳门六合彩投注 by submitting a letter stating (a) what led to the dismissal, (b) activities during the dismissal period, and (c) why you wish to return to 新澳门六合彩投注. An example of such an activity would be completion of academic coursework at a regional accredited institution with grades of C or better. Reinstatements are to be written to Office of the Provost at

  • Consider carrying a lighter course load. 12 credits may be better for you while on probation.
  • Meet often with your professors during their office hours.
  • Visit the Writing Center (J 105) or Math Lab (J 105) to check homework.
  • Participate in study groups.
  • Consider joining Student Success Scholars Program
  • Balance difficult major coursework with less demanding electives or General Studies requirements.
  • Find a tutor for difficult courses.
  • Find a quiet place to study, free of distractions.
  • Start to use better time-management strategies.
  • Write academic and class deadlines in a planner or calendar.
  • You may want to reconsider the number of hours spent working at a job.
  • Maintain regular contact with your preceptor or Academic Advising
  • Visit our online study skills links below
  • Examine the activities in which you are successful.
  • How can skills in other areas of your life be applied to your academic course of study?
  • from California Polytechnic State University
  • from Study Corgi
  • from The Cook Counseling Center at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Help (OWL)