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Adjournment 2007-2008 Student Senate Meeting Minutes from February 12, 2008 Presiding: Jennifer Anzuena Members Present: Krystle Alleyne Irene Ayoola Brian Brateris Jyron Brooks Jerry Cupples Larry Daniels Kevin Devine William Elmore Chimere Lake Dawn Leiser John Livres Chantal McClary Michael McManus Katie McVeigh John Odoardo Ashley Pero Danielle Sanzone Lee Smith Tracey Smith Duanaya Williams Xilena Viana Members Absent: Sara Sterling Derek Simmons Members Late: Venetta Benjamin *Notified Chair Jasmine Harley Sammy Sanchez* Agenda/Business: Jennifer called the meeting to order. Senators who were absent or late were noted. Ashley Pero moved to approve the minutes of the January 29, 2008 meeting, seconded by Jerry. Motion Passed: 21-0-1* *Senator Abstained: Jennifer Anzuena Presidents Report: Jennifer Anzuena Jennifer started off by saying how successful the Career Fair was and thanked all the senators for their hard work. She then went on to say that this week she was going to meet with administrators in order for the Senate to have a better relationship with them. She ended by saying that the planning is continuing for Erin Brockovich. Jasmine and Venetta arrived at this time. Committee Reports: Finance Los Latinos Unidos submitted a supplemental in the amount of $300 to attend a cultural play. The supplemental is helping to pay for the cost of the tickets. They plan to send fifteen students on the trip. John moved to approve the supplemental, seconded by Mike. Motion Passed: 22-1-1* *Senator Abstained: Jennifer Anzuena Senators Opposed: John Livres Sammy arrived at this time. The Social Work Club submitted a supplemental in the amount of $2,280 for a guest speaker. Andy Behrman is the author of the book, Electro Boy, which is widely read by °ϲͶע students in Social Work, as well as Literature courses. The Social Work Club has helped to gather $1,000 for the event from applicable clubs/organizations. John moved to approve the supplemental, seconded by Lee. Motion Passed: 24-0-1* Senators Abstained: Jennifer Anzuena School Spirit Mike started off by saying each committee member was given a group to contact and work with for events of Spirit Week. Michael will be working with Residential Life. Venetta will be contacting SET. Brian will be in communication with the Class Councils. Danielle will be working with SRA. Sammy will be in contact with UBSS and LLU. Mike also said that the Class Councils will be most likely doing the bonfire again this year. The set days for Spirit Week are April 14th through April 19th with the Spring Concert acting as the closing event. A more detailed calendar will be announced shortly. Academic Policies Jyron started off by thanking everyone for their hard work during the Career Fair. Jyron then passed around to all the senators a petition for the new Drop/Add Policy. Enough students and faculty members have voiced their opinions about this issue. Ashley is going to be writing an article for the Argo about this situation and how we are going to deal with it. Public Relations William Elmore discussed the upcoming Student Senate and Student on the Board of Trustees elections. His committee completed the timetable and promotional flyers for the elections. Student Welfare Chantal informed everyone that she would be writing an article for the Argo to let the student body know what issues have been addressed by the committee. Chantal gave everyone an update on the issues that Duanaya has addressed pertaining to Chartwells. Duanaya - Better food/ more variety/ healthier food Ms. Gillespie - The cafeterias are on a 4 week menu cycle rotation schedule. Plus there are lots of healthy options in both cafeterias and at each of the carts. There are always salads and cold cuts available. Duanaya - Meal plan too high. Ms. Gillespie - The cost of food has gone up by 6% this year. The cost of meal plan has only increased by 3% and remains to be less expensive than any of the other state colleges in New Jersey. Duanaya - Food price the same but amount of food given is smaller. Ms. Gillespie - The portions are the same. Containers or bread may be smaller but the servers still give out the same portions as always. Duanaya - Staff in cafeterias are rude and disrespectful. Ms. Gillespie - Students need to inform the manager immediately following any incident of disrespect shown between staff and student, so that an immediate investigation of the incident can take place. Duanaya - TRLC and Lakeside Store prices are too high. Ms. Gillespie - Chartwells does not receive volume discounts like big corporations such as Shop Rite and Acme. So in order to purchase the items used in our location, they must be priced appropriately in the stores in order for Chartwells to make a profit. Ms. Gillespie said that in order to address the issues about the food in both cafeterias she needs specific dates and documentation in order to change them. If there is a date when there are no healthy options available or a week when all fried foods are served it needs to be documented so that she can go back and address the situation. She also added that The Beans List was never meant to be meal plan equivalency per the colleges request. It is a coffee kiosk with pastries and was never meant to be a destination for a full meal exchange Chantal reported that Jerry met with Terrance Hardee, Director of Residential Life, and Chrissie King, Assistant Director of Residential Life, to discuss some issues pertaining to housing. Jerry: Should RAs be paid more Mr. Hardee and Ms. King: RAs cannot be paid more because they receive free housing and a stipend every month. Jerry: Peep holes for the doors in Housing III Mr. Hardee and Ms. King: Peep holes in the doors of Housing III will be installed by plant management this summer. Jerry: Housing I upgrades Mr. Hardee and Ms. King: Housing is currently working up a wish list to give out to Housing I residents to see what they would like to have and what The Office of Residence Life and plant management can give to them. Jerry: ID cards Mr. Hardee and Ms. King: Our replacement price for ID cards is the highest in the state. We may want to work on lowering the price significantly for a card that needs to be fixed rather then replaced. Jerry: Open Windows Mr. Hardee and Ms. King: Students should be reminded to be careful about leaving their windows open in Housing IV due to the pipes freezing and breaking and causing flooding. Jerry: Open space Mr. Hardee and Ms. King: The open space within the new Housing V complexes will be used for a basketball court. Lee reported that he spoke to Don Woolslayer, Associate Director of Plant Management and Housing Maintenance, about the following issues: Lee: Toilet Seat covers Mr. Woolslayer: The wax paper will clog the pipes and it is not worth the risk. They had them at the Carnegie Library site in AC and the covers were a problem. Lee: Cleaner Bathrooms Mr. Woolslayer: °ϲͶע has a monthly audit and the bathrooms normally do very well. Some of the more heavily used bathrooms are given more attention. Lee: Parking lot trash cans are filled Mr. Woolslayer: The cans are checked regularly. Some times students will just clean out their car and fill up a can, thus causing a temporary problem. He added that the new cans are a lot nicer than the old ones they used to have years ago. Lee: Kicked over cans in Housing 1courts Mr. Woolslayer: They will look into better placement if it is from vandalism. Announcements/Comments from the Public: David Pinto, Director of the Library, talked about the survey that the library is conducting and how important it is to have students go to the library homepage and take the survey. It will be available for the month of February and they need 300 more votes to be able to compare the data that they received during the last survey. He added that he has submitted a request for seven additional hours for the library and that he was waiting on an answer about the budget and funding. Eileen Conran, Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, had three updates. The first one was that the banners are being looked at and she will update the senators when she receives more information. The second was that the number of trash cans around campus is also being looked at and she will get back to the senate with updates. The finale topic she discussed was about phase one of the new college center and that it should start in the summer. Joe Lizza, Assistant Director of the College Center, announced that the Office of the College Center was sponsoring a trip to the Flyers game on March 4th and that the tickets are ten dollars. He also mentioned that those attending the game must take the bus. He ended by saying that on Thursday, February 14th the office will be showing the movie, American Gangster, at 8:30 p.m. in the N-wing cafeteria. Dayna DeFinis, Assistant Director of Career Services, thanked all the senators for their help at the Career Fair. She then added that there will be a workshop for careers in non-profit organizations Adjournment: Jennifer adjourned the meeting at 5:10 p.m. ;=Q\bzW a b g w |    2 = C E O c s t ɹɵɵɱɱŭɨɊ}v hW7hxgzh hH\hR hR\ hoYG\ h\ hF\ h%\ hO\ h("\hCh<+hOh|chf(hh("hFhFCJ(aJ( hF5CJ hf(5CJ0 h5CJ0 hF5CJ0 hF5CJ( hF5CJ@,-<=>?Qcm{~$a$gdF$a$gd+gdF$a$gdF.  + , ? @ V W p^pgdF & FgdF ^`gdF$a$gdFgdFW b w     % $a$gd("$a$gdFp^pgdF ^`gdFgdF p^p`gdO% 2 D E b c  * = ^`gdf( ^`gdA] ^`gd2[ gd2[ ^`gd ^`gdxgzgdA]gdRgdF$a$gdF   ) * = N ] ^ _ j k |  - . O P ` a i ۺŶŪŪhF hF\hA]h2[ h2[ \h{8 h2[ h2[ hR\ hf(hf(hW7h9a- h9a-h9a-hf( hh hHhhhxgz hxgzhxgz h\hh\hR h2[ \h2[ 5= N _ k | . = O P  3 X Y  gdOugdF ^`gd2)ngd2[ ^`gd2[ gdf( ^`gdEJgdRi j     % ) + - 3 4 G W X Y m n ~  /0E喒풎 hF5\h*6hVhyhhUahs h^(hD hR5 hOu5hOuhF5 h2[ 5hOuhRh6h 0h^dhFhch`vhxBhh$hPvh{8 h.h$h1,2 (FkA_LNp^pgd gdV$a$gd`} ^`gdgdp`pgdgd? 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