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Adjournment 2007-2008 Student Senate Meeting Minutes from November 13, 2007 Presiding: Jennifer Anzuena Members Present: Krystle Alleyne Venetta Benjamin Brian Brateris Jyron Brooks Jerry Cupples Larry Daniels Kevin Devine Thomas Dorn William Elmore Jasmine Harley Erline Hertilien Chimere Lake Dawn Leiser John Livres Chantal McClary Michael McManus John Odoardo Ashley Pero Sammy Sanchez Derek Simmons Lee Smith Sara Sterling Xilena Viana Duanaya Williams Members Absent: Kyle Burst Danielle Sanzone Members Late: None Agenda/Business: Jennifer called the meeting to order. Senators who were absent or late were noted. Ashley moved to approve the minutes of the October 30, 2007 meeting, seconded by Jerry. Motion Passed: 24-0-1* *Senator Abstained: Jennifer Anzuena Presidents Report: Jennifer Anzuena Jennifer announced that the Town Hall meeting was a huge success and thanked all of the administrators who participated. Committee Reports: Finance STAND submitted a supplemental in the amount of $684 to fund a Dinner for Darfur event at the Lakeside Center. Larry moved to approve the supplemental, seconded by Thomas. Motion Passed: 24-0-1* *Senator Abstained: Jennifer Anzuena School Spirit Michael stated the committee is still working on the college wide philanthropy. Michael then reported that Senate will be raising funds by selling Osprey feathers again. Michael then asked for help decorating the G-wing cafeteria for the Student/Faculty/Staff Dinner. Academic Policies Jyron stated that the committee will be helping the Office of Career Services with the Internship Fair during Career Week. Public Relations Erline reported that the committee was working on publicizing the Student/Faculty/Staff Dinner and an outline for how the committee can operate better. Student Welfare Chantal reported that the committee is working on issues gathered from the Town Hall meeting along with those from the issue boxes that were set up in the lower G-Wing gallery. Chantal then announced that Eileen Conran, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, is waiting to hear from the review board regarding the parking lot signs. Chantal concluded by stating that the heating and cooling system in the residence halls is being worked on. Announcements/Comments from the Public: Larry Daniels announced that the Council of Black Faculty and Staffs Annual Awards Dinner and Dance was a very nice event and thanked all who attended. Elaine Grant, Interim Director of Summer Conferences and Special Projects, invited everyone to a reception in honor of G. Larry James. Lonnie Folks, Director of Athletic Operations, gave more background on the accomplishments of G. Larry James and encouraged everyone to attend the reception recognizing his service to the °ϲͶע and surrounding communities. Glenn Miller, Chief of Police, announced that the department will be putting out the Toys for Tots collection boxes after Thanksgiving. Thomasa Gonzalez, Dean of Students, congratulated the senate for a great job with the Town Hall meeting. She went on to say that she will be meeting with the directors about the issues that were not addressed during the meeting. Walter Tarver, Director of Career Services, announced upcoming events for the Office of Career Services. Stephen Davis, Associate Dean of Students, thanked everyone who supported the Council of Black Faculty and Staff Dinner and Dance. Adjournment: Jennifer adjourned the meeting at 4:50 p.m. ;=Q\bzW a b g w |     5 @ F H R f v w ɹɵɵɱɱɵŭɨɊ| h\ hH\hR hR\ hHA\ hxB\ hF\ h%\ hO\ h("\hChOhOh|chxthh("hFhFCJ(aJ( hF5CJ hxt5CJ0 hc5CJ0 hF5CJ0 hF5CJ( hF5CJ@/-<=>?Qcm{~$a$gdF$a$gd+gdF$a$gdF.  + , ? @ V W p^pgdF & FgdF ^`gdF$a$gdFgdFW b w        ( $a$gd("$a$gdFp^pgdF ^`gdFgdF p^p`gdO( 5 G H e f   & 7 C S c v ^`gd9a- ^`gdgdRgdF$a$gdF    % 5 6 B Q R b       % & , : > ? @ B R S [ \ ķ泯榟hR$h`vh$1hxBh7xAh$hH h.h$h1, hF\hFhG7> hxB\hEJh2)n hR\ h9a-h9a-h9a- hHhh hhhRhHhR\ h\hh\3  % , ? 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