Accounts and Passwords

新澳门六合彩投注 GoPortal Accounts

In order to access 新澳门六合彩投注's online resources (e.g., Go 新澳门六合彩投注 Portal, Email, Computers, Blackboard, etc.) you need a Go 新澳门六合彩投注 Portal account. For instructions on how to access the applications and services associated with your 新澳门六合彩投注 GoPortal account please visit our Cloud Services page for more details. 

Resetting your Portal Password

The go新澳门六合彩投注 Portal will prompt you to change your password every 180 days. You can also perform a  if you forget your password. After resetting your password, don鈥檛 forget to update your mobile devices.

From the 新澳门六合彩投注 home page (, click on Go

Click on Go

  1. Enter your 新澳门六合彩投注 username & password and click on Login

    Username and Password Prompt

  2. Click on change your password

    Change your Password

  3. Enter your current password and your new password twice. Make sure your new password contains at least 8 characters (no more than 32 characters), at least one alphabetic character and at least one numeric characterEnter old and new password

  4. Click on Submit. You鈥檒l see the message below if your password has been successfully reset

    Password successfully updated
  5. Click on Home below to return to the 新澳门六合彩投注 home page (
  6. Click on Go and log in to the 新澳门六合彩投注 Portal with your username and your new password

  7. Click on Go and log in to the 新澳门六合彩投注 Portal with your username and your new password

  8. The Portal will prompt you read the Acceptable Use Standards. If you agree to abide by all the Standards set forth, click on Accept to continue

    Acceptable Use Standards

  9. Now you are ready to use the go新澳门六合彩投注 Portal and all the resources available to students

    Change My Password
If you need to change your password or change the number on file for 新澳门六合彩投注's Text Message Enrollment service, complete the following steps. If you don't know your password please follow the steps on this page.
1.) Click on the "go" button on the top right hand side of 新澳门六合彩投注's homepage.

Go Button|
2.) Click on "Login to go新澳门六合彩投注 Portal"

Login image
3.) Click on "Update My Account"

Update My Account
4.) Enter your information in the fields provided, meeting all of the complexity requirements.

Change my password
5.) If you want to change your Text Message Enrollment number, click on "Text Message Enrollment." From here, you have the option to edit, remove and add a contact. 

text message

Password Protection (Changing your Password)

System Security Begins With You

There are two classifications of individuals who try to break into computer systems -- hackers and crackers. Hackers are individuals with proficient computer skills who exploit weaknesses in system programming in order control a computer system. Crackers break into computer accounts and damage the system using the privileges that are available to the stolen account or use the stolen account to mask their identity when attempting to break into other computer systems on the local network or the Internet.

How can these renegades be foiled? The hacker is stopped by closing down the 鈥渉oles鈥 the s/he finds. Computer & Telecommunication Services regularly installs software patches to close down security holes and continuously monitors possible break-in points. The cracker is stopped by good password security and good password security is in your hands.

Keep your password secure.

Never tell someone else your password. 新澳门六合彩投注 feels so strongly about this aspect of password protection that it is specifically stated in the acceptable use policy in Standard 2.

鈥淯sers may not disclose the password of an account or otherwise make the account available to others who have not been authorized to use the account. Users are responsible for all usage of their accounts and are expected to take appropriate safeguards to assure that their passwords are not known to others.鈥

Never write down your password. Anyone observing your login will see where it is located and can retrieve it for their use -- or misuse -- when you aren鈥檛 around. Even if they don鈥檛 observe your login, they will look for anything written down and posted in the vicinity of your workstation (e.g., the side of the monitor, bottom of the keyboard, on the keyboard tray.).

Never send your password to someone else in an electronic mail message. You cannot be sure of the security measures taken on the systems that your message passes through or the security of the system where your message is delivered.

Never use software that automates your login. This type of feature embeds your password into a configuration file or programmable keyboard key. Anyone sitting at your computer has immediate access to your password.

Use a password that you can type easily and quickly. This will thwart anyone attempting to get your password by watching over your shoulder as you type.

Change your password regularly

All of our central systems and file servers require you to change your password every ninety days. If you suspect someone might know your password, don鈥檛 wait for it to expire. Change it immediately!

Avoid password pitfalls

Don鈥檛 pick a password that can be found in the dictionary. Our central computers check your password against a system dictionary, but there are many different dictionaries available. A word that is not in our system dictionary just might be in the crackers鈥 dictionary. This includes foreign language dictionaries as well.

Don鈥檛 choose a password that uses personal information that someone could easily find out about you. This includes information such as:

  • Your name, username, or nickname
  • Names or nicknames of friends, relatives, pets, or locations that are special to you
  • Numerical data about you such as birth date, social security number, license plate number, phone number, address, or zip code
  • Technical terms or names of prominent individuals in your field of expertise
  • Variations of any of these (e.g., your nickname spelled backwards)

Don鈥檛 choose a password that others might also choose. You should avoid:

  • Names of famous people such as sports figures, literary characters, mythological figures, biblical figures, actors, or political figures
  • Names of computer systems or software products
  • Any commercial brand names
  • Names of cartoon characters or science fiction characters (especially Star Trek and Tolkein)

Remember, the cracker wants to get into your account with as little trouble as possible. In addition to using dictionaries and password cracking programs, crackers also share lists of common passwords. The words below were extracted from a commonly used password list published on a cracker bulletin board. None of these types of words are likely to be in a dictionary, but a cracker will try them.

albany bacchus batman beethoven
 beowulf berkeley berlin celtics
charon daemon disney egghead
 einstein euclid fermat  forsythe
 fourier  gabriel  garfield harvey
ingres kermit   macintosh merlin
michael mozart napoleon newton
orwell osiris phoenix  

 In addition to the types of words already mentioned, there are also non-words that should be avoided. Don鈥檛 use strings of all the same character, for example XXXXXXXX. Don鈥檛 use numeric patterns such as 246810. Don鈥檛 use keyboard patterns such as QWERTY or YTREWQ.

Choose a good password

What is a good password? A good password is one that is easy to remember but hard to guess. There are several methods you can use.

You can use real words as long as you use them wisely. One method is to concatenate two unrelated words. Example are LAMPFISH or BOATAPPLE. Another method takes this idea a step further. Use two common words, but separate them by a non-alphanumeric character. Examples are SPIDER_STAR or SILVER$BOOK. A third method is to intentionally misspell a word or words. For example, the word TEACHER could become TEECHUR.

You can create a pseudo-word by alternating consonants with one or two vowels. These words are pronounceable and easy to remember, but hard to guess. Examples are BOUGAMIT or EXOJUK

Finally, you can create a password like you might create a mnemonic device. Take a phrase that you can easily remember and use the first character of each word. If possible, include numbers and non-alphanumeric characters. For example, the phrase 鈥淔our score and seven years ago鈥 could translate into the password 4SA7YA. 

Proxy Accounts

Students may authorize a third party as an account proxy to view information associated with their 新澳门六合彩投注 GoPortal account. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (鈥淔贰搁笔础鈥), students themselves retain the primary authority to grant or deny access to their academic records. Therefore, the student must initiate the proxy access process and fulfill each required step for the designated proxy to gain access to their account information. 

Proxy access provides a designated person access to the students

  • Unofficial transcript 
  • Tax forms (ex:1098-E) 
  • Account summary and charges by term
  • Financial Aid Status 

For more information on designating a proxy user, changing the level of access for a proxy user, or resetting a proxy PIN, please visit the Office of Student Rights FERPA and Proxy Access page.

Touchnet Authorized Users

新澳门六合彩投注 utilizes the Touchnet platform to process payments which are applied to students' account balance. If another person will be making payments toward your account balance, it is possible to give that person direct access to do so with an Authorized User account inside the Touchnet paymeny portal. 

To add an authorized user, first access Touchnet. Navigate and log in to your Go新澳门六合彩投注 Portal, then under the Bursar tab, click on "Make a Deposit" or "Make a Payment".

  1. Click on the My Profile button, then Authorized Users.
    A screenshot of the Touchnet interface, with a hand pointing at the Authorize Users button.
  2. Navigate to the Add Authorized User tab, then enter their email address.
    A screenshot of the Touchnet Authorized Users menu, with a hand indicating towards the Add Authorized User tab and a sample email address populating an empty field.
  3. Complete the agreement and click continue, your new Authorized User will receive two emails: one with a link to log in to Touchnet, and one with a temporary password.

Authorized users may log in to Touchnet by following .

To reset their Touchnet password, authorized users should first access . Click on the Forgot Password option and fill in their login email address.

A screenshot of the Touchnet login page, with a hand indicating toward the Forgot Password button.

The authorized user will receive a temporary password and will be prompted after login to set a new password.